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The Springs Summit is held every other year and brings together â€‹springs advocates to discuss policy and law that affects how we protect Florida's springs. 


Attendance is free, but space is limited so you must register.


The change in date due to Hurricane Milton requires some changes in presenters; an updated agenda will be available soon.

A brief overview includes: a deep dive into communication strategies for advocates; a live podcast recording with Florida Spectacular and Florida Madcaps; advocacy tips from senate staffers and lobbyists; a look at federal and state legal options to protect water resources and conservation lands; and a social event after the Summit concludes.

The day will begin at 8:30 am (coffee and breakfast provided) and the last session will wrap up at 6pm. An after-party and networking event will take place immediately following in the courtyard, roughly from 6pm-8pm.

2024 Springs Summit tee
designed and printed by 
5801 Print House in St. Pete

Add a tee when you register, and 5801 will have it ready for you to pick up at check-in! Thanks to 5801, proceeds benefit the Florida Springs Council.

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Register Now for the
2025 Springs Summit

  • Each person attending should fill out the registration form separately.

  • Space is limited - if you find that you cannot attend, please let us know so that we can make that seat available to someone else.

  • If you don't order a shirt or lunch now, and decide to add one later, simply register again - our system will recognize you and add the shirt or lunch to your existing registration (or email your summit connection Brenda at - I'm happy to help!)

  • Last day to order a shirt or reserve a free lunch is January 30th!

  • We really take care of you: Breakfast, coffee, and afternoon snacks are provided to everyone. A vegetarian box lunch is available at no charge, be sure to reserve one! Beer, non alcoholic drinks, and heavy vegetarian hors d'oeuvres are provided after the summit at the Banyan Bash.

  • If I’m new to springs advocacy, should I attend?
    YES, and you’re encouraged to do so. One of the strengths of the Springs Summit is the mix of experts and new learners. Be prepared for in-depth legal and policy topics that may be new to you if you are just getting started in springs advocacy. We think springs advocates from all backgrounds will find the discussions and presenters informative, clear, interesting and worth learning about. And you'll almost certainly make lasting connections with other advocates.
  • Do you have any recommendations for where to stay?
    Note: Hurricanes Helene and Milton affected many local businesses, including lodging in and near Gulfport. We recommend booking with local Gulfport businesses and Air BNB's if available. But you may need to look more inland, toward downtown St. Pete, which is about 15 minutes away, for lodging as Gulfport and the coastal areas get back on their feet.
  • Isn't the Springs Summit usually two days long?
    In the past this has been a weekend-long event. This year we’ve packed everything into just one day, so that more people can attend without needing overnight accommodations. We will have a casual meetup Friday evening, Oct. 18, at 3 Daughters Brewing in St. Pete from 5-8 for those who are staying overnight in the area, as well as a brunch gathering Sunday morning at a popular restaurant in downtown Gulfport for those still in the area.
  • What about meals?
    We are providing breakfast, lunch, and snacks free of charge thanks to our generous sponsors and partners. Even the social hour after the summit will have provided beverages and hors d'oeuvres free of charge. When you register, you can choose to get a vegetarian box lunch, (vegetarian rice and veggie wrap, fruit or chips, cookie) and citrus-water, coffee, and tea will be made available for everyone. If you prefer, you can bring your own lunch. Because of time restraints we don't recommend leaving for lunch, though there may be restaurants nearby that could deliver if arranged ahead of time. Bring a water bottle - Stetson Law does have bottle refilling stations. We will end the night with a Banyan Bash after-party where First Magnitude brewing has provided canned springs-themed beer, and hors d'oeurvs will be provided.
  • What is on the agenda?
    *Note - the cancelation due to the hurricanes caused a change in presenter availability. This agenda is in flux and will be finalized as soon as possible. 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Check-in. Breakfast and coffee provided. 9:30 - 10:50 a.m. Welcome and then opening session with a panel of the springs conservation movement's most long-term and influential leaders 11:00 - 12:00 p.m. Breakout sessions Deep dive with policy experts into the implementation of the Springs & Aquifer Protection Act, including MFLs, BMAPs, Harm Rule or Participate in a live podcast recording with co-hosts Ryan Worthington of "The Florida Madcaps" podcast and Cathy Salustri of "Florida Spectacular." 12:10-1:00 Legislative preview and advocacy strategy with Travis Moore, Rep. Lindsay Cross, and Dustin Paulson 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Lunch (vegetarian box lunch provided) 2:00 - 3:50 p.m. Communication strategies, featuring UF Public Interest Communications professor Angela Bradbery and TrueBlue Strategies leader Sam Snyder. 4:00 - 5:55 p.m. Main room, legal discussion UF law clinic, Stetson law clinic, FSC's legal team, and other attorneys will cover various legal topics and strategies 6:00 Closing remarks from FSC director Ryan Smart Banyan Bash: Immediately following closing remarks we will exit the building to the Banyan Courtyard for a sunset social. We'll have beer provided by First Magnitude Brewing, and heavy vegetarian hors d'oeuvres.
  • I have other questions - who do I contact?
    Contact me, Brenda Wells, FSC Communications Director at

Springs Summit FAQ

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Hosted by
Stetson Law & the
Florida Springs Council


Sponsored by
Save the Manatee Club

Also sponsored by

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Our Welcome Sponsor, providing Springs Summit tees and a warm welcome at check-in.


The Florida Wildlife Federation is the 2024 Summit's art and inspiration sponsor! 


Our bookstore sponsor, bringing you not only books by FSI director Dr. Bob Knight but from various authors.

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Our Coffee Sponsor, Friends of Wekiva will get the morning started with coffee, water, juice, and pastries. 


Our afternoon refreshments sponsor! Thank you Sierra Club Florida Chapter for keeping us fed and hydrated throughout the day. 

Our Recharge Lounge Sponsor, providing a peaceful place to retreat to recharge - yourself or your devices


The 2024 Springs Summit is also funded in part by a grant from the nonprofit Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida (FWFF) via proceeds from the 'Protect Florida Springs' license plate. For more information, please visit or call 813-358-8058.


Sponsoring Partners

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A look back at the 2022 Summit

Every available seat was reserved days before the event began. Attendance for all panels and presentations was free thanks to sponsors, including the Florida Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

Hover on video to play: Communications expert Angela Bradbery led one of those most talked-about sessions of the day, "Communicating for Change."  How do we move from awareness to action?

Friday evening an audience gathered on the waterside lawn of Plantation Inn at sunset to watch Oscar Corral's award-winning documentary, "Fellowship of the Springs." 

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