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Video provided by David Schrichte
The Florida Springs Council's mission is to protect and restore Florida's springs and spring-fed waterways through litigation, legislation, and grassroots advocacy.
Our focus is to build the power, influence, and resources of springs advocates across the state. We amplify the voices of concerned citizens and empower communities to demand responsibility from policymakers and industry leaders.
We are putting those who pollute and abuse our springs on notice. We do whatever is necessary – through Advocacy, Local Governments, the Legislature, and the Courts - to reverse the destruction of Florida’s springs, rivers, and aquifer.
Meindl provides readers with a rare exploration of Florida springs politics. Use code FSC24 for a special $12 discount.
We took DEP to court over faulty springs cleanup plans, AND WON.
On Nov 6 2024 we filed another lawsuit to force DEP to follow the law and protect spring flows.
The best way to fight back is to give the Springs Legal Fund a reliable and steady source of support.
Be a voice for the springs
as a free member
You'll receive information from us about Springs threats and solutions, invitations to events and meetups in your area, and you'll be alerted when it's time to speak out and step up for the Springs.

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