Kevin Spear of the Orlando Sentinel reports on the legal win against the Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Florida environment groups celebrate court ruling that state springs protections are lax
By Kevin Spear Orlando Sentinel • Feb 17, 2023 at 6:08 pm
Advocates for protecting Florida’s imperiled springs are celebrating a major victory with a court of appeal ruling this week that state rules are inadequate when it comes to keeping pollution out of aquifer waters that emerge at Wekiwa, Silver and hundreds of springs in the state.
A coalition of wildlife, environment and springs champions said Friday the court’s decision revealed the state’s springs strategy as protective of polluters and unable to revive and protect springs even if the state was entirely successful in its approach.
Most of the state’s iconic and popular springs are officially designated as sickened with trace but potent amounts of nutrient pollution chemicals from stormwater, sewage handling, septic tank systems and a variety of fertilizers, including those used for agriculture and landscaping.
“The ruling is a huge win for Florida’s springs and its manatees,” said Kim Dinkins, senior conservation associate for Save the Manatee Club. “We’re hopeful that this ruling will help turn the tide for springs before it’s too late.”
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