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Environmental groups are taking legal action against restoration plans for 15 of Florida’s most important springs and hundreds of smaller springs.

The groups filed administrative challenges to the restoration plans for Blue Spring, Rainbow Springs, Rock Springs, Silver Springs and Wekiwa Springs, among others.

The groups, including the Save the Manatee Club and Friends of the Wekiva River, say the plans don’t meet even basic requirements. Here’s Ryan Smart of the Florida Springs Council.

“In the Wekiwa for instance they give huge nitrogen credits for septic tank remediation plans that don’t have funding, and there’s also a lot of concerns with the nitrogen calculations that were used as far as how much nitrogen will actually be removed.”

The plans were adopted last summer after lawmakers approved a measure in 2016 calling for the restoration plans for 24 of Florida’s most important springs.

The challenges are against the Department of Environmental Protection. The department says the challenges are under review.

Read original article here:

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